Tag: depression

  • Flipboard: An Ableist Platform

    I don’t recommend it for anyone, and especially not for people with mental health conditions. I don’t watch the news on the television anymore. Rather than do this, I used to use Google News. I did this for a long time. It was my main source of news. I tried using the fediverse for this,…

  • Famotidine Was Making Me Depressed And Caused Fatigue

    More reflections on my experience with famotidine. Preamble: I wrote this piece in August 2022, about six days after my previous piece on famotidine. I decided to do minimal edits before publishing it here. In particular, I did not adjust the chronology. I did not know I was autistic at the time. However, I’m now…

  • When Famotidine Messes With Your Head

    I think my anti-reflux medicine is messing up my head. Preamble: I wrote this piece in August 2022, right when I was dealing with the depression that was caused by my famotidine. I decided to do minimal edits before publishing it here. In particular, I did not adjust the chronology. I did not know I…