Tag: neurotypical

  • My Take On The Buddhist Virtue of Right Speech

    The neurotypical take on Right Speech is a confused mess. I’ve never encountered anyone who will explain Right Speech the way I’m going to explain it. Let’s start with the typical neurotypical explanations. They run like as follows. Right Speech involves four things you should not do: Conversely, there are four things that you should…

  • When Being Polite Is Merely Superficial

    When Being Polite Is Merely Superficial

    Sometimes being polite to someone is actually just a way to get them off your back. People are strange. Neurotypical people are the strangest. Neurodivergent people who are consciously or not propagating neurotypical habits are also among the strangest. Internalized ableism is a thing. Not so long ago, I sent a message to someone who…