Tag: chemo

  • How To Be A True Friend To Someone Who Has A Cancer Diagnosis

    How to listen to their suffering without judgment, or a desire to rectify things. For Adeline, Here’s what you have to do. You have to be there to listen to their suffering without judgment, or desire to rectify anything. Have a nice day. How come you’re still here? I’m done. I’ve told you above how…

  • Advice For People Dealing With Cancer, Or A Possible Diagnosis

    How to go through this ordeal, without completely losing your mind. I had cancer. I talk about it in the past tense because, as we speak, I’m close to three years in remission, and all the tests after my treatment point to me being clear of my cancer. All the MRIs I’ve had so far…

  • Adversity Does Not Make You Stronger

    The reality of it is much more complex than what the saying would have you believe. Adversity has visited me often. So much so, that by all rights, if the saying were true, I’d be Superman by now. Alas, I’m no Superman. Adversity nearly killed me. Adversity has had a beneficial effect on me, but…

  • Chemo Brian

    Chemo Brian make his rounds in the oncology ward. DARK HUMOR! (Yes, I had cancer.) https://youtu.be/1l1y4dXgZMY