Tag: HeartAttack

  • Ableist As Fuck: Health Insurance In The USA

    The more you need health insurance, the more you see how ableist it is. Once upon a time, I was a carefree boy. I lived my life, and did stupid shit, as carefree boys are liable to do. I grew up in Canada, with a socialized health care system. I never saw or heard about…

  • Adversity Does Not Make You Stronger

    The reality of it is much more complex than what the saying would have you believe. Adversity has visited me often. So much so, that by all rights, if the saying were true, I’d be Superman by now. Alas, I’m no Superman. Adversity nearly killed me. Adversity has had a beneficial effect on me, but…

  • My Conditions Are Not Moral Failings

    It is really hard to abandon the idea that conditions are moral failings when society at large bleats that they are. Tie your hat down. This is going to be a longish article. I’m going to highlight some ways in which doctors and the general population hold onto an obsolete model of our somatic and…

  • Don’t Give Up

    No matter how bleak your situation is. Don’t give up! “Who is that bozo telling me to not give up?” This bozo. This bozo had a heart attack at 24. It was due to bad genes. However, when he had his heart attack at 24, he thought his entire life was over. This thought led…