Your Autistic Life: The Ruminations of an Autistic Man

This is my blog. I masked my autism for the first 50 years of my life. I discovered in March 2023 that I am, in fact, autistic. Prior to this time, my life was mostly okay, but did not make much sense overall. Since my self-diagnosis, my life makes much more sense.

If you don’t know where to start on this site, this page has the articles you should read first.

Premium articles can be found here, besides appearing in the other sections.


  • The Measure Of An Enby

    Am I nonbinary? The signs point to the fact that I am. When you’ve met one enby, you’ve met one enby. I realized that this motto was true even before meeting one enby as an enby on a dating app. I suspect I have met some enbies a long time ago, but I did not…

  • My Policy About Boosting Fediverse Posts

    My boosting behavior mostly reflects my desire to have a tidy timeline. I like a tidy timeline devoid of tons of stuff that I won’t want to read. I also think that I cannot hold others to a high standard of discrimination in boosting, if I don’t hold myself to that very same standard. It…

  • Trans Kids Shouldn’t Have To Hide Who They Are From Their Parents

    I’m sorry to report that most parents fail horribly in this matter. Recently, a trans kid was asking how to buy binders without their parents knowing about it. This request saddened me. No, not because the kid is trans. I am saddened because, as is usually the case with trans kids, the parents are not…

Latest Articles:

  • Is Meditation More Pleasurable Than Sex?

    What being neurodivergent and queer has taught me about this question. There is frank talk about sex in what follows here, including masochism. In my view, it is light talk, but reader beware. From time to time I see claims that meditation is indeed more pleasurable than sex. Wow! Let’s reach for the meditation cushion…

  • Getting Rid of Old Shit

    I’m lightening the load. Don’t think for one second that getting rid of old shit is easy for me. I do find all kinds of reasons to keep stuff around, but life events sometimes insist on your making the decision to get rid of shit. My divorce was such an event. I had to part…

  • On Zen Practice

    The revolutionary art of unlearning. I don’t think that what follows is especially original. It was probably communicated to me at the beginning of my practice, but I was too bewildered and stupid to understand it. It is only now, after years of practice, that I finally understand what was communicated. When I talk about…

  • Why Are Autistic Folks Generally Tolerant?

    I do have a simple theory. My theory is that it is because we don’t generally believe in arbitrary social conventions. Those very same conventions usually do not serve us, autistic folks, well. Once the social conventions that oppress us daily are seen as arbitrary, it does not take much to realize that most other…

  • UnitedHealth’s Stupidity Is Suffocating

    What kind of idiots run this company?????????? UnitedHealth was hit in a data breach. They did exactly what you should not do. For fuck’s sake! You do not need to be a genius to fucking know what I’m going to fucking tell you here. If you guessed that I am mad, well, bingo! You win…

  • The “I’ll Expose Your Behavior” Scam

    Don’t send them any money. Nothing bad will happen to you. How do I know? Well, for one thing, I’ve received several of these emails throughout the years. I’ve never sent any money. Nothing bad happened. For good measure, two scammers tried this tactic with me on the dating apps. When they revealed themselves, I…

Latest Videos From My YouTube Channel:

  • Schrödinger’s [Bleep]

    Today we learn about Schrödinger’s [bleep]. That’s when a [bleep] fell on his head and he came up with the [bleep]ity wave.

  • Ear Muffins

    Finn is showcasing new apparel.

  • The Parabola Of The Mustard Seed

    Finn wants to tell a parabola to Alice.

Latest Music:

  • Stimming Is Life’s Greatest Hits 001

    The greatest hits so far in the Stimming Is Life series. Actually, Obsession is in a list that I haven’t released yet. Oops! (ETA: So is Houdini.) The YouTube playlist: The Spotify playlist: If you want a t-shirt, a hoodie, a sweatshirt with the text “Stimming Is Life”, head to my Bonfire store.

  • A Vale Of Tears, In Musical Form

    This is how I tick, musically speaking. It is no mystery that I like to stim to music. My entire life is adorned with music. I bring music everywhere I can. Yes, even in the MRI machines that look at my brain to make sure my cancer hasn’t come back. If they allow me to…

  • Stimming Is Life 006

    More music for those who like to stim to music! The YouTube playlist: The Spotify playlist: You, too, can get a hoodie, sweater, or shirt that says “Stimming Is Life” over on my Bonfire store.